Money Savings Challenges
If you want to save money but aren't sure where to start, free printable money saving challenges are a great way to make it fun and easy! These challenges give you simple steps to follow, helping you save money over time.
52 Week Money Saving Challenge $5
Save Money and take control of your finances with this 52 Week Money Saving Challenge. This increments by $5 helps you save approximately $6800 by the end of 52 weeks. Simply download this pdf …
100 Envelope Money Challenge
Save Money and take control of your finances with this 100 Envelope Money Challenge. Simply download, print the template and start saving.
26 Week Christmas Savings Plan ($3 increments)
Save Money and take control of your finances with this 26 Week Christmas Savings Plan Template. This increments by $3 every week help you save approximately $1495 by the time it's Christmas.
52 Week Money Saving Challenge
Save Money and take control of your finances with this 52 Week Money Saving Challenge. This unfilled pdf printable lets you set the amount you wish to save every week. Download this pdf printable, …
52 Week Money Saving Challenge $1
Save Money and take control of your finances with this 52 Week Money Saving Challenge $1. This increments by $1 helps you save approximately $1378 by the end of 52 weeks.
26 Week Bi Weekly Money Challenge ($4 increments)
Save Money and take control of your finances with this 26 Week Bi Weekly Money Challenge. This increments by $4 every two weeks help you save $1378 by the end of 26 weeks.
52 Week Money Saving Challenge $2
Save Money and take control of your finances with this 52 Week Money Saving Challenge $2. This increments by $2 helps you save approximately $2700 by the end of 52 weeks.
52 Week Money Saving Challenge $10
Save Money and take control of your finances with this 52 Week Money Saving Challenge $10. This increments by $2 helps you save approximately $16000 by the end of 52 weeks.
26 Week Bi Weekly Money Challenge ($2 increments)
Save Money and take control of your finances with this 26 Week Bi Weekly Money Challenge. This increments by $2 every two weeks help you save approximately $600 by the end of 26 weeks.
26 Week Bi Weekly Money Challenge
Save Money and take control of your finances with this 26 Week Bi Weekly Money Challenge. Simply download, print and start saving.
26 Week Christmas Savings Plan ($1 increments)
Save Money and take control of your finances with this 26 Week Christmas Savings Plan Template. Start saving from the month of June with $26. This increments by $1 every week help you save …
30 Day No Spend Challenge Tracker
The 30-day no spend challenge is a great way for anyone looking to save some extra cash! It can be an extremely valuable resource for anyone looking for financial security! Just download, print and …
Some of the templates you'll find include
52-Week Money Saving Challenge
You save a set amount each week, like $1 the first week, $2 the next week, and so on, until you've saved a large amount by the end of the year.
26-Week Money Saving Challenge
This challenge is similar, but it's shorter! Over 26 weeks (about six months), you'll save money every week, increasing the amount you save as time goes on.
No Spend Challenge
You try to avoid spending money on things you don't need for a certain amount of time, like a week or a month.
These challenges come in printable templates you can easily download and hang up. By checking off or coloring in the saved amounts each week, you can track your progress and stay motivated to reach your savings goal.