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Pass the Prize Baby Shower Game

Planning a baby shower? If you’re looking for some fun games for the event, look no further. You will find a variety of baby shower games, but the one that’s most popular as well as fun to play is Pass the Prize game.

It is one of those ice breaker games where anyone and everybody can participate and actually enjoy. You only need this Pass the Prize printable, a wrapped gift of your choice. And yes, that’s it. Guests enjoy listening to the instructions and passing the parcel along. There can be so much confusion yet lot of laughter.

Minimalist Pass the Prize

Download Pass the Prize Game

This is a great game for a baby shower.

Related: A Complete Guide to Baby Shower Games (how to play)

What you will need

  1. A wrapped gift of your choice.
  2. Printed Poem Rhyme Sheet

Game Rules

  • Have your guests stand or sit in a circle and give the gift to someone to start.
  • Read out all the rhymes one by one.
  • As your guests listen to the instructions, they will pass the parcel to someone who fits the description on the rhyme game sheet.
  • Whoever has the gift at the end of the poem wins the game and gets to keep the gift.

Download Pass the Prize Game

Have you played Pass the Prize before? Please share your experience in the comments section below!
