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Free Printable Homeschool Planner

Planning to homeschool your children but not sure where to start? This free printable homeschool planner has everything you need to get started to plan your homeschooling.

Free Printable Homeschool Planner

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Homeschooling is the new norm in the current times. Last few years have been the time of unpredictables.

With many changes in the school structure, parents are bracing for homeschooling.

My child is at home as well, and I am putting together all the paperwork needed to have him ready for school work.

Since I wasn’t sure where to start, I created this homeschool planner so that I can set up some kind of routine and sanity to our day to day life.

I have been using this for over a week, and I think I have things under control (well, almost).

Knowing our schedule ahead of time helps everyone in terms of setting the tone for the day.


Homeschool Planning Resources

I have been doing my research going over the school curriculum material, downloading the study material sent by school teachers, printing pages over pages.

School material had been all over the place until I decided to set up my own simple homeschool planner. This planner covers the basic structure of how the daily routine needs to be set up.

This homeschool planner is available to download for FREE in my printables library. So if you feel like grabbing a copy, simply download it from here, no strings attached.

Download your FREE Planner


Want to get something more detailed? Here’s a premium homeschool planner binder that you should check out …


This homeschool planner covers very basic components to make sure that you are able to maintain a basic homeschooling routine.

Need a more detailed printable homeschool planner? Here’s a 50 page homeschool planner.

Some of the following sections are covered in this detailed printable planner:

  • Monthly Spread (January – December)
  • Monthly Activities & Lessons
  • Weekly Planner (Horizontal & Vertical Layout)
  • Today’s Plan and Daily Planner
  • Weekly Schedule
  • Attendance Sheet
  • Activity Tracker
  • Assignment Tracker
  • Curriculum Research
  • Class Schedule
  • Homework Planner
  • Grade Tracker
  • Weekly Reading Log
  • Weekly Lesson Planner (prefilled & blank)
  • Weekly Lesson Planners for different courses
  • Goals Tracker
  • Field Trips
  • Todo List (1 column)
  • Todo List (2 column)
  • Ideas, Notes & Reminders

Free Printable Homeschool Planner

This planner can be conveniently printed on letter size paper (8.5×11 inch).

Make sure to download and print this printable homeschool planner.

Use it as much as you can, and please let me know if anything else needs to be added or removed. Since this is a digital download product, you can download and print as many copies as you want for your personal use.


I love everything about this planner. I am sure I will be able to use most of the pages and print multiple ones if I need to. But here are some of my favorite sections of this planner.

Printable Homeschool Planner: Monthly Spread

Homeschool planner resources

Download Here

Undated monthly spread starts from January to December, with one month per page. Since these are undated, I will be able to use it for next year as well, and the year after that. I can start it any time of the year, so I will waste less paper.

Printable Homeschool Planner: Monthly Lessons

These undated monthly pages can be used starting from any month to write down monthly lessons for the month.

Simply fill up the boxes with dates for that month, and then fill out the lessons you plan to set up for that month.

Monthly, Weekly, and Daily Planner pages are undated so if you end up not using it for a few weeks, you won’t have any wasted pages. You can start from where you left off.

Free Homeschool Planner Printable

Monthly Activities

Similarly, you can set up monthly activities with this undated monthly spread. Plan out the activities for the month by filling out the dates first, and then the activities.

Weekly Lesson Planner

Easily plan out the lessons for the week, starting from Monday to Friday. There are two spreads – prefilled and empty. Feel free to use the one you prefer.

Assignment Tracker

Keep track of the assignments for each course. Write down the assignment task, the due date, if it was completed, and what grade the student got.

Free Homeschool Planner Printable

Download Here

Activity Tracker

Track each week’s activity with this activity tracker. Write down the date, activity, number of minutes, and any remarks.


Keep track of student’s attendance records by writing down each student’s name and then checking off for the date for each month.


You will need the following material to set up your planner:

1. Printable Homeschool Planner (Download from here)
2. Planner Binder
3. White Paper (32 lbs)
4. Printer
5. Hole Punch
6. Fun markers

And that’s it. Simply print the pages and put them together in this binder. This planner has everything you need to stay on top of your homeschooling plan.

Free Home Schooling Planner Printables

Printable Homeschool Planner

Printable Home Schooling Planner

Free Printables HomeSchool Planner
