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Habit Tracker Printable: Keep track of your Goals and Habits

Printable habit tracker is perfect to keep track of your daily habits and personal goals. It helps improve your productivity and enhance your daily routine.

Free Printable Habit Tracker

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Do you have a hard time sticking to your habits?

We’ve all been there. You set out with the best of intentions, but somehow life gets in the way. Before you know it, those good habits are just a distant memory.

It doesn’t have to be that way! This printable habit tracker will help you stay on top of things so that you can get more done every day.

This printable habit tracker can be used for anything from fitness goals, financial goals to business or personal aspirations. Kick off the new year by setting realistic, achievable habits that will help you meet your resolutions!

You will feel more productive and keep your sanity juggling with million other things at the same time. You can also manage your time efficiently and get more done.

Are you wondering ….

What is a habit tracker and why should I use one?

A habit tracker allows you to keep track of your daily habits, which means it tracks the good, bad, and neutral things that happen each day.

This includes both personal and professional aspects of life. By taking control of what’s going on in your life, a habit tracker gives you a better understanding of how to improve your productivity and enhance your daily routine.

A habit tracker is a great way to track your habits.

Monthly Habit Tracker Printable

Procrastination is another thing that prevents many of us from taking action, and reaching our goals. We think we are making progress, but in reality we keep going in circles. Guessing is something we rely upon and lose track of the things we did last month or the month before.

Whereas if you set your goals in writing, it is much easier to keep track of things from few months ago.

I highly recommend using this habit tracker to see where you are headed in your progress chart. Not only can you develop good habits, you can kick your bad habits at the same time.

How to use a printable habit tracker?

There are a few different ways to use a printable habit tracker.

The most popular one is to track the days of the week and then list what you did each day. This can include anything from working out, drinking water, eating healthy, taking your medication or completing specific work tasks.

Other habit trackers allow you to track the time of day that you complete certain tasks. For example, you may want to track how often you check your email in a day or work on a specific project.

Free Printable Habit Tracker

Download Here

Tips for making the most out of your new habit tracking system

Write everything down.

Habit tracking is a way to become more productive, healthier and happier. It allows you to monitor your progress everyday in simple programmed activities such as “drinking 8 glasses of water”, “reading 20 pages” or “working out every day”.

To get started, you can start with something very basic: flossing daily. This is your baseline, your starting point. From there, add more habits as you see fit.

There are many ways to make the most out of your new habit tracking system. Here are some:

  1. Make sure your habits are realistic and achievable. If you try to do too much at once, you’re likely to give up.
  2. If you are able to, make your habits small tasks that can be completed in five minutes or less. This way, they will not feel like chores but rather daily fun activities. For example: instead of drinking 8 glasses every day, start with 4 and add more with time.
  3. Track your progress. Visual picture of your progress will increase your enthusiasm about the activity and motivate you to continue with it.
  4. Actively seek out cue’s for initiating your habits. For example: if my cue is drinking water first thing in the morning, I will fill up the glass the night before so that I see this first thing in the morning.
  5. Enjoy your new activities. If you find yourself dreading to do your habit, try replacing it with a healthy activity that brings you joy.
  6. Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small or big! Taking pride in your accomplishments will encourage you to continue on this positive path.

Free Printable Habit Tracker

This monthly habit tracker is available to download for FREE. Simply download and print. Start by writing very simple habits and goals you wish to achieve. Keep record of your daily routine. See the results in a few months time, you will be surprised.

When you download this free habit tracker printable, you will find it in three different sizes of Letter Size, A4 and A5 size, and two layouts. You can use all these or the ones that you like.

Setting Goals and Tracking Habits

There are so many things you can track using this habit tracker. Think of small things like drinking water everyday, or taking your vitamins or even going out for a walk.

You can even start by creating a daily routine when wake up every morning. Writing your schedule in advance will help you get things done for the day.

With this habit tracker, you can easily see how many days in a row you’ve completed your tasks and keep yourself accountable for getting more things done!

Editable Habit Tracker

Would you rather type and edit the habits columns before printing? Here’s an option for you. This Editable Habit Tracker lets you do that.

Editable Monthly Habit Tracker

Download Here

You can edit the habits column, days of the week corresponding to each date of the month. It makes it easy to visualize what day of the week that date is. You can also type the month and year on the top right hand side. You don’t have to input the year and simply type the month.

Editable Habit Tracker

How to print the Habit Tracker pdf files?

To download and print these files, you will need:

  • Printer
  • 32lb paper
  • Paper Cutter (if you wish to print A5 on letter size or A4 size paper)
  • 3 hole punch or 6 hole punch (depending on the printable size you wish to use)
  • A5 size binder
  • Pen
  • Highlighter or color pencils

Habit Tracker Printable

Talking about keeping track of goals and habits, have you been tracking your daily routine? In case, you need to plan your daily routine, here’s a Daily Routine Checklist Printable.

Daily Routine Tracker Printable

Never miss an important appointment or special occasion. Simply plan your daily routine, break it into three sections of morning, afternoon and evening.

Check off for each day as you finish the task.

Back to our habit tracker …

This printable habit tracker is a great way to keep track of your habits and stay motivated. It also helps you see the progress that you’ve made, which can be very rewarding!

Whether it’s daily or weekly, this simple resource is perfect to help motivate and inspire you so that every day is filled with productivity!

Do you like to keep track of your habits and goals? What kind of tools do you use? Please share in the comments below.


  1. This is such a great idea! Really helps to hold you accountable. Like you, drinking water would definitely be at the top of my list, i’m terrible at it!

    1. Thanks Adrienne. Right? Drinking water seems so easy but so hard to follow through everyday. This tracker does keep me accountable.

  2. These are great printables for staying accountable, which is something I definitely have trouble with! Thanks so much for sharing 🙂

    1. You’re very welcome Lauren. I hope you are using this and staying accountable.

  3. This is a great idea. I’m way more effective at completing things if I have it tied to a goal and I monitor or track it in some way. I’m excited to use this tracker to work on recommitting to exercising at least 4 times a week, drinking a gallon of water and spending some time caring for myself.

    1. These are some great self care goals, Kimberlie. I hope you are using the planner effectively and it is helping you achieve your set goals.

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