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Fitness Planner: Health and Weight Loss Journal

Stay fit and healthy with this 12 Week Fitness Planner. If your goal is not to lose any weight but just to eat right and stay fit, this planner should work perfectly as well.

12 Week Fitness Planner

We all strive to stay fit, lose some weight, and eat healthy.

But let’s face it. Most of us dread the feeling of waking up early in the morning or getting ready in the evening to go to the gym.

As much as I try to be regular at working out, I can’t keep up with it for more than a few weeks.

That’s why I decided to take it one day at a time. I did not set up a goal for the entire year; I decided to stay in routine for a few weeks, then take a break then start again.

Seems to be working out pretty well for me.

Related: Plan ahead of time with this Daily Planner

Here’s my Fitness Planner that helps me keep on track with my progress so that I can reach my fitness goals.

Following a routine for a few weeks then taking a break helps me start it over with new vigor and energy. So I find it very helpful to track my progress.

12 Week Fitness Planner

What’s in the Fitness Planner?

This 12 Week Fitness Planner was designed by keeping in mind the requirements for someone who not only wants to lose weight, but also stay fit and healthy.

If your goal is not to lose weight but just to eat right and stay fit, this planner should also work perfectly.

Workout Log

This Workout Log is a free download available in my printables library. It’s a simple way of keeping up with the workout activity for every day of the week.

It helps me keep track of what activity I did each day, distance covered, time takes, no of steps and reps and weight lost, if any.

Workout and Fitness Log

Download Here

12 Week Fitness Plan

This is one of the most important sections of this Fitness Planner.

12 Week Fitness Planner

Download Here

When you start your fitness journey, you need to set your fitness goals, weight loss goals, nutrition goals, and any other goals you need to reach.

Also, write down your rewards or any incentives when you reach your goals.

Weekly Plan Overview

12 Week Fitness Planner

Download Here

Write down your workout plan each day, Monday to Friday, for 12 weeks. This will give you a visual idea of what to expect in the next few weeks.

12 Week Progress Tracker

This 12 Week Progress Tracker is especially helpful for losing weight. Write down the goals for weight loss, waist, hips, arms, thighs, calves, and chest.

Then for each week, starting from week one all the way to week twelve, write down your vital stats for each week. This helps you get an actual picture of how you are progressing each week.

Food Nutrition Reference Chart

To stay fit and healthy, you must watch what you eat. Make a list of food items you plan on consuming while you are following your fitness regime.

Write down the carbs, fat, protein, fiber, and calories for each food item. When you eat healthy, you stay healthy.

12 Week Food Tracker

With this Weekly Food Tracker, you can easily track what you ate on a particular day.

If you ate healthy or not, how many calories, how much snacking, and how many glasses of water.

There are a total of 8 glasses in the graphics that you can check mark as soon as you drink your glass of water.

12 Week Fitness Planner

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This is especially helpful if you are not drinking enough water throughout the day. Winters are the worst for us all.

There are days we can all go without a glass of water all day long but go crazy for coffee or tea. This 12 Week Food Tracker is very helpful for those winter days.

This weekly food tracker lets you plan your meal menu for the week.

Once you decide what you will be cooking in the kitchen for the next 6 – 7 days, you can prepare your grocery list.

Buy stuff that is actually required in the kitchen. This helps you from buying any unhealthy or junk food. You will also end up not buying things you won’t need immediately.

Weekly Menu and Grocery Shopping List

Download Here

Goal Tracker Chart

Write down your weight loss and fitness goals in this sheet. When you reach your set goals, you can put the check mark across that goal.

To make it more appealing, you can add the before and after photo space at the bottom of this sheet.

What more fun way to lose weight and stay fit than comparing yourself from when you first started. It feels like such an accomplishment.

Workout Calendar

12 Week Fitness Planner

Download Here

Start anytime of the year, fill up this undated monthly planner and write down the workout plans for that particular day.

You can plan ahead of time and stay on your workout schedule.

Track your Fitness Goals

Weight Loss Tracker, Fitness Tracker and Measurement Tracker help set reasonable goals for weight loss, track fitness activity and track body measurements.

Weight Loss Tracker

There are some more fun sheets in this Fitness Planner. Check it out and download your copy from the link below …

Download Weight Loss and Fitness Planner

Do you have any fitness goals that you would like to achieve this year? Please do share in the comments below!
