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Free Printable Birthday List Templates

Free Printable Birthday List Templates to keep track of birthdays of special people in your life. Never forget to send birthday wishes or plan a surprise birthday party.

Birthday List Template

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With so much going on in everyone’s life, it’s easy to forget important dates like birthdays anniversaries etc.

No matter how hard we try, there’s always someone who’s birthday we forgot.

So how about setting yourself a system where you can keep track of birthdays of important people in your life?

Free Printable Birthday List Templates

These free printable birthday list templates are sure to help you keep track of birthdays.

Writing things down is one of the effective ways to remember special events.

You can even assign this task of recording and reminding birthdays to kids. This way they will learn how to organize, and even plan for special occasions.

Related: Plan your Routine with Daily Routine Tracker Printable

There are different versions of this birthday calendar template. Pick the one (or two or more) of your choice and print.

Write down names and dates for each month in each section.

Free Printable Birthday List Template

Download Here

There are minimalist versions as well. This one comes with three columns and four rows with blank lines under each month. Write the date and name of the person who’s birthday falls in each month.

Free Printable Birthday Calendar

Download Here

This next version comes with six months in one row and next six in the next row. Download this one if you have huge birthday list for each month.

Birthday Calendar template

Download Here

Related: Free Printable Mazes for Kids

Following is a variation on the minimalist version with four rows and three columns of months.

Birthday List Template

Download Here

Simply download, print and start organizing your birthday list.

Free Printable Birthday List Template

You can check out more organizing printables available to download from printables library.

How do you keep track of birthdays and other important dates? Please share in the comments below!

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