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Best Indoor Activities for Kids to do while stuck at home

Here are some of the fun and best Indoor activities for kids to do while stuck at home. Keep them busy while educating them in a fun way.

Fun activities for kids while stuck at home

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Keeping kids busy and entertained can be a challenge, but it can be done for few hours of the day. These printable games are sure to keep them on their toes while having fun.

At times like these, when there’s virus outbreak, parents and kids are at home. And who knows when the schools and work will reopen.

Everyone needs or at least try to stay sane and productive in their daily routine.

Although teachers are doing their best in sending kids coursework via online platforms, but there are times in a day when parents are looking to keep them busy and entertained, while letting their creativity shine.

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What are some of the indoor activity ideas for kids?

I am sure there’s more than one time that you hear the “I’m bored” sound from one or the other corner of the house. In case you are looking for ideas to do with your kids, here are some of the fun and best indoor activities for kids to do while stuck at home.

Indoor Scavenger Hunt

Kids will have tons of fun finding items listed on these Indoor Scavenger Hunt Game. As they discover things indoors, they will enjoy hunting for things while staying entertained.

Perfect for kindergartners and little ones, these scavenger hunt games are whole lot of fun while keeping them busy for hours.

Indoor and Outdoor Scavenger Hunt Games

Outdoor Scavenger Hunt

What a fun way to explore outdoors in your front and backyard. Kids looks for things like red flower, a seed, something small, something yellow etc.

As they find these things, they put the check mark across the item. They will look forward to completing their checklist.

There’s also blank outdoor scavenger hunt printable, that you can fill yourself and hand it over to kids to hunt for things listed by you.

Nature Scavenger Hunt

Not only is it fun to explore nature, kids will love hunting for things associated with nature like a feather, a “Y” shaped stick, a bird’s nest etc.

As they find each item, they put the check mark across the item. Blank Nature Scavenger Hunt Page can be filled up by a parent or a grown up, and handed over to kids to look for the things listed.

Spring Backyard and Nature Scavenger Hunt Games

Spring Backyard Scavenger Hunt

Now that spring is here, kids will be able to spot bugs, small animals, new plants in the backyard.

Help them find these things by using this free printable Spring Backyard Scavenger Hunt. They will love to check mark off the items as they find them.

Hello Summer Bingo

Who doesn’t love a good game of bingo?

Not only will they have a good time matching the small squares with the bingo cards in their hands, they will be happy to play bingo for a really long time.

I know, right? You’re very welcome!

Free Printable Hello Summer Bingo Game

Numbers Memory Game

Help your kids learn the counting with these numbers memory cards.

Ocean Memory Game

Help kids discover new animals found in the ocean with this Oceans memory game. You can print double copy of this game, cut out the cards along the lines.

Mix them and place them down facing down. Each player had to take turn, turning over two cards, trying to make a match.

Animal Memory games Free Printables

Match the Toys

Just like the ocean memory game above, this Match the Toys game can be played as well. Kids will have fun playing the toys memory game.

Fruits and Veggies

Fruits and veggies memory game is one of the great ways to introduce different fruits and veggies to children in a fun way. As they try to match the two cards, you can tell them the benefits of each vegetable and fruit displayed on the cards.

Fruits Veggies Memory Games Free Printables

Cute Animals

In this memory game, kids get to match these cute animals with each other.

Match the Shapes

A wonderful way to introduce kids to different shapes like square, rectangle, triangle, hexagon, rhombus etc.

My lo loves to see the shapes with smilies so that’s why I made these shapes with smiles. I am sure your kids will love the little smilies on the shapes faces.

Fun Maze Puzzles

Kids love to play the maze puzzles. Simply download and print these out. These maze puzzles are sure to keep them occupied for hours.

Outer Space Bingo

Outer Space Bingo Cards

Got little astronauts at home? Have them play this fun Outer Space Bingo. They will love to learn about our solar system, planets, moon, spaceships and so much more.

Easter Bingo

Easter Bingo Game is just like a classic bingo but with an Easter theme. These cute Easter Bingo boards are super cute and so much fun to play. Simply download and print.

Fun activities for kids to do while stuck at home

Number Bingo Printable

Super simple and easy to play, these numbers Bingo games are perfect for helping kids learn counting from 1 to 24 while having fun and entertained.

Perfect for classroom, group or at home setting.

Here are some fun DIY crafts from paper origami:

Make your own Easter Bunny using Toilet Paper Roll. Have extra toilet paper rolls at home. Make good use of them by making this fun craft of Easter Bunny. Your kids will have tons of fun putting this craft together.

Monkey Climbing | A House Wall Climbing Man. Kids will love making this fun craft that you can either call monkey climbing the wall or a man climbing the house wall. All you need is paper, and make some folds.

How to make Paper Diamond. Make simple and easy paper diamond using a few techniques shown in this video.

Make a Paper Fan. Kids can make a paper fan with this fun diy project. Make it spin while running around. They get to have fun as well as burn energy.

Fun activities for kids to do while stuck at home

I am sure your kids will love doing these projects and playing these fun games while staying indoors. Please let me know how you’re keeping your kids busy at home.


  1. I love the scavenger hunt idea. My kids are 5 and 3 and super into things like that right now. We did that for finding birthday presents for my oldest and she had a blast!

  2. I absolutely love this! Can’t wait to start incorporating some of these into my kiddos schedule.

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