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Plan your Routine with Daily Routine Tracker Printable

Plan your day ahead of time and keep track of yours and your family’s to do list for the day with this daily routine tracker printable. Stay productive and get things done.

Daily Routine Checklist Printable

Organizing your day so that it is productive is something we all strive for.

But sometimes it can get pretty overwhelming when you find yourself immersed in variety of different chores. You run around all day long, and still at the end of the day, it feels like you accomplished nothing.

I am sure you can relate when you have forgotten to return a library book, missed an important appointment or misread kids’ soccer class timings.

Related: Free Habit Tracker Printable to Keep Track of your Habits

It happened a few times to me, since then I make it a point to write down everything. I started with a bullet journal, but after a while, I designed this cute Daily Routine Tracker Printable.

Why you need a Daily Routine Tracker

This daily routine tracker is perfect to set up structured day for your family.

It has been very effective in setting up daily routine for when the schools are out for summer or winter break.

I can set up our work, play and learning schedules so that we feel productive at the end of the day.

My little one knows that he has this much time before he starts another activity or need to start his homework, he is better prepared to take on the next task.

Daily Routine Tracker Printable

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How to Plan your day with Daily Routine Tracker?

I love using this Daily Routine Checklist Printable. It helps me visualize my day at a glance, where I can breakdown it into three sections of morning, afternoon and evening; for each day of the week.

Activities can be written on the left side column, and check off each activity for that day. This way you can keep track of yours and your family’s activities.

You can start your day from when you and your family wakes up, for example, 7 in the morning. Include your morning chores like getting ready for school and work.

Preparing and eating your breakfast, packing your lunches etc. Similarly for afternoons and evenings, you can divide your day into time slots and break down the activities for everyone. This can include finishing the kids’ home works, preparing dinner and set up the time to go to bed.

You can print and stick this printable on the fridge for everyone to see or print a copy for everyone to stick in their room wall or a planner.

Basically everyone in the family should have access to it. This routine tracker works for my school going kids’ summer and winter breaks as well.

During their break, you can plan their activities starting from 7 or 8 in the morning.

7:30 – 8:00 : Wake Up
8:00 – 8:30 : Help Prepare and Eat Breakfast
8:30 – 9:00 : Clean your Rooms
9:10 – 9:30 : Get Ready to go to the Library
9:30 – 11:00 : Spend time at Library
and so on.

Daily Routine Tracker Printable

This will work perfectly for your routine as well. You can organize your day to plan your business chores:

7:00 – 7:30 : Wake Up; Drink Coffee
7:30 – 8:00 : Prepare your notes for client’s meeting
8:00 – 8:30 : Eat Breakfast
8:30 – 8:45 : Get Ready for the Meeting
9:00 – 10:30 : Meeting with the client
and so on.

As we know, everyday is different and not everything will work out as planned, but this is the great thing about keeping a routine tracker.

You get an idea of how your day is going to shape up and how you will be prepared for the entire day.

Are you ready to set up a routine for yourself? Start it on your bullet journal or download this Daily Routine Tracker Printable.

Download Here

Besides using my Daily Routine Tracker, I have also made a few more changes to my daily and weekly routine. I make frequent use of my Weekly Meal Planner.

I am able to plan ahead of time the menu for the whole week. Because of that I am able to determine the grocery shopping items for that week as well. No stress and saving money in one go. Voila!

Your turn: How do you keep track of your daily routine? Share in the comments below!
