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26 Week Christmas Savings Challenge {Free Printable}

This 26 Week Christmas Savings Challenge is a must try if you are planning to save for Christmas. Saving every two weeks is convenient and powerful way to stay in your budget and take control of your finances.

26 Week Christmas Savings Challenge

Are you trying to save money for Christmas?

Holidays are almost here. Although it’s the best time of the year, but it can also stressful time with so much shopping to do, gifts to buy and in general preparing for the most popular holiday of the year.

Let’s face it, if we don’t plan for this time of the year, chances are – instead of enjoying this festival season, it may end up the season of getting in debt.

So how about starting at least six months ahead of time?

It’s always a good ideas to start saving a few bucks every now and then, so that you are able to save significant amount by the end of the month or year.

26 Week Christmas Savings Challenge

If you want to change things up this year, promise yourself to stick with a plan. Plan something where you can save small amount of money every week of so.

This 26 Week Christmas Savings Challenge is something you might consider. All you have to do is start from a certain amount in the middle of the year and save a dollar every two weeks.

For this one, start in the month of June with $26 and add one dollar every two weeks. You will end up saving $1001 by the time it’s time for the Black Friday sales.

26 Week Christmas Savings Challenge

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And if you want to challenge yourself a bit more, try this 26 Week Christmas Savings Challenge with increments of $3 every two weeks. Start in the month of June with $20 and start putting $3 every two weeks.

Free Printable 26 Week Christmas Savings Challenge

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Although it’s up to you to save any amount of money but it’s always a good idea to set up a system so that you know how much you are going to deposit each week or each month.

This way you can visually record how much money goes into expenses and how much is your net saving.

Related: 15 Smart Ways to Save Money during the Holidays

Besides using such a system, you can set up a budget planner where you can record your income, expenses and savings for each month.

When you have a well planned financial setup, you will find it easy to save money and keep budget under control.

Festival season is the hardest to save, so you may want to create yourself a budget for shopping.

How does 26 Week Christmas Savings Challenge work?

Let’s talk about this 26 Week Christmas Savings Challenge.

If you have done money challenges before, you know that out of most of them, this one is the most doable.

Related: How to save money on groceries

You can start from the very basics and do the $1 bi-weekly increments. If you want to save more, go with $2, $5 or even $10 increments challenge every two weeks.

You can do the reverse money saving challenge or mix it up. Start from the highest amount first and go down each week. That way you will be done with the hardest part first and get it over with.

How to Save Money with Money Saving Challenge?

This is how it works, in case you’re reading/hearing this for the first time. 26 Week Christmas Savings Challenge is perfect to save money over a period of time for the festival season.

You save a certain amount of money each week. Because you save in smaller amounts, you don’t feel the pressure to save big, all at once.

Decide the amount; there is no hard and fast rule. The idea is to put aside some money away every week or two.

Once you decide the amount, download and print the copy of this 26 Week Christmas Savings Challenge Template. Put it in your binder or post it in your room where you can see it every day.

Start with week 1 in June. When you have put the money away, simply check off that row.

For putting the money away, use a simple money jar, or set up a savings account in your bank.

If you decide to deposit $1 increments every two weeks, starting from June 1 – you will be able to save $1001 by the end of November. Download and use this template for $1 bi weekly increments.

Free Printable 26 Week Christmas Savings Challenge

You can save the increments of $3 every 2 weeks starting from June 1 with $20. You will end up saving $1495 at the end of November. Not bad, right? To deposit increments of $3 every other week, use this template.

You should be fairly comfortable with the amount you want to use. Because of the way this system works, you are going to have huge amount that needs to be saved towards the end of the year.

Related: Simple Way to Keep your Budget under Control

So, are you ready to save money? Let’s see if we can reach our respective set financial goals by Christmas. Please share how much you are planning to save in the coming weeks and months. Let’s say Goodbye to unwanted and unexpected expenses and say Hello to savings, and more savings!
